Biology - M. Murphy
Lab: Invertebrates
Use the key below to identify the invertebrate phylum of the organism shown.  
Remember, always start with step one for each new organism.

If you did not yet complete the "Dichotomous Key: Protists" activity, do that
before this to ensure you are familiar with how to follow a dichotomous key.
Dichotomous Key for Invertebrates:

1a. Animal has no regular body symmetry ........................................................ Porifera
1b. Animal has regular body symmetry ............................................................. go to 2

2a. Animal has radial body symmetry ............................................................... go to 3
2b. Animal has bilateral symmetry .................................................................... go to 4

3a. Animal has an endoskeleton ......................................................................
3b. Animal does not have an endoskeleton ..................................................... Cnidaria

4a. Animal has one digestive tube opening ...................................................... Platyhelminth
4b. Animal has two digestive tube openings ..................................................... go to 5

5a. Animal has a pseudocoelomate body plan .................................................
5b. Animal has a coelomate body plan ............................................................. go to 6

6a. Animal has a chitin exoskeleton and jointed appendages ..........................
6b. Animal does not have a chitin exoskeleton or jointed appendages ............ go to 7

7a. Animal body is formed by repeating ring segments ....................................
7b. Animal body is not formed by repeating ring segments .............................. Molluska